Community Service Program for Small-Scale Industry in Klaten


Research Group of Food Product Development organized a community service program at a small-scale food industry namely “IRT Bu Marni” located in Klaten. The program was done on 5 June and 20 June 2023 coordinated by Siswanti, S.TP., M.Sc. “IRT Bu Marni” is an industry producing various typical snack of Java like pangsit goreng, unca, onde-onde and kerak nasi. In this community service program, the research group held a short lecture for all of the industry employees, particularly related to food safety aspect. This lecture also includes the introduction of packaging technology as packaging play a significant role on the safety of food in addition to its function to attract the potential consumer. “In this program the research group is not only organizing a lecture, but also giving equipment which are needed and very crucial for processing in IRT Bu Marni”, said Dr. Setyaningrum Ariviani, the chair of the research group. The processing equipment given to the industry includes stove, roller, sealer and stainless table. By using the new equipment, the processing capacity of the industry significantly increases and also the quality of the product significantly improved. This activity can be possible due to full support from Universitas Sebelas Maret through the scheme of Program Pengabdian Masyarakat – Hibah Grup Riset 2023. “IRT Bu Marni” are very grateful because they are involved in this community service program. They hope that this program can be continued in the future.