Community Service Program for Chocolate Industry in Yogyakarta


The Dept. of Food Science and Technology organized a community service program at chocolate industry which is popular with the brand of “Cokelat nDalem”. This industry is located in the touristic center in Yogyakarta close to Malioboro Street and Yogyakarta Palace. The community service program is organized by Dr. Dimas Rahadian Aji Muhammad, Anastriyani Yuliviatun, S,TP., M.Sc., and Asri Nursiwi S,TP., M.Sc. During the program, vegan-chocolate processing technology was introduced to the industry, and followed by a focus group discussion with a topic of vegan chocolate market validation. According to Dr. Dimas, the chair of the community service program, this activity is an implementation and continuation of Memorandum of Agreement between “Cokelat nDalem” and the Faculty of Agriculture, particularly the Dept. of Food Science and Technology. During this activity, the Dept. of Food Science and Technology also give a roasting equipment as one of the most important processing facilities in chocolate industry to Cokelat nDalem. This activity can be possible due to full support from Universitas Sebelas Maret through the scheme of Program Pengabdian Masyarakat Internasional (PKMI) 2023. As the purpose of this community service project is to assist Cokelat nDalem to expand their international market, this activity also involves Central Luzon State University (the Philippine) as the partner.